Afgo money making tips

Monday, April 30, 2007

Ways To Make Extra Money

Would you like to supplement your income with ways to make
extra money while you work? Earning a living on the
internet is fairly straight forward once you know how.
However, for most new people to internet marketing very few
people succeed. The most common reason for this is that
people do not follow a proven plan and they experience
information overload and read ebook after ebook without
taking massive action. Using the techniques I am about to
show you you could easily earn six hundred dollars a month
and if you apply them with consistent action you will grow
your monthly income by that amount.

One of the ways to make extra money is to do surveys. Now
there are plenty of companies that pay you to help them do
market research. For example you could earn twenty dollars
to complete a survey that takes thirty minutes. Now if you
do two of these types of surveys that is forty dollars in
one day. If you search on Google there plenty of sites that
offer listings of survey sites free. There are also sites
that offer you a comprehensive survey directory listing for
a fee. Now you cannot earn a full time living from surveys,
but you can make a few hundred dollars a month in extra

Another one of my favorite ways to make extra money is
that you can piggyback traffic on sites like Squidoo,
Ecademy and Craigslist which have very good rankings in the
search engines. You do some keyword research and then
create content on these website which have highly targeted
affiliate links to your chosen keywords. This is a really
easy way to make extra money and your content is usually
indexed in a few days on the major search engines.

Using these ways to make extra money you could easily be
earning six thousand dollars a month in a years time with
minimal financial investment and only a few hours of your
time a week.


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Search Engine Optimization and Web Standards

Most Webmasters have never consider web standards when optimizing their websites for the search engines. To date, it is true that the most search engines are forgiving. However, no one can guarantee that the search engines will continue to overlook crappy codes. Having a well-formed and validated website will not only help the bots in indexing but also reduce the chances of errors when loading in the users' browsers.

Designing a new website in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) has always been recommended by the WorldWide Web Consortium (W3C). Not only does CSS generate lesser codes when compared to the conventional table designs but it also allows the users to download a page much faster.

Having less codes is encouraged in Search Engine Optimization context as it enables the bots to index a page faster and safer. Safer in the sense that the lesser the codes we have, the lower the chances that the page will generate errors. As we never know what will the bots react when an error is encountered in a page, so it is highly encouraged to keep the codes clean and compact, most importantly, valid.

As the search engine bots favors simple and content rich website, having a clean site with fast downloading time is highly recommended. Most websites have made a mistake by creating massive and flashing sites that takes forever to download. This is pretty bad as the bots may ignore the rest of the content when it times out.

Another advantage of having a valid website is the portability. With the usage of CSS, a website can be viewed in various media platforms such as cell phones or other mobile devices. We wold not want to optimize a site that can only be viewed on a computer screen.

CSS also enable the designers to have precise control over the page's design. Many new features are simply impossible to be implemented using the conventional table designs such as the line-height property. In addition, it allows the designers to change the appearance of certain elements by only changing the CSS file. This in turns, save us more time to carry out other search engine optimization tasks for the website.

To conclude, having a website that has been validated is highly recommended in a long run. Well-formed websites will also generate properly in the user's browsers. Most importantly, the search engine bots will have an easier time indexing the page.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Resources for Low Cost Marketing

If you have a small business or looking to sell products over the internet, one of the ways that you can improve or learn about marketing is to learn about the many resources on the subject. Marketing is not difficult to learn, however for many people, it can have a steep learning curve at first.

One of the best resources available are marketing forums. There are many marketing forums online and they are a great for a person to learn the basics, as well as watch master marketers in motion. Forums are probably the best way to learn about marketing, you can have conversations with many marketers, ask questions and read comments. You can also meet many people in the marketing business and create long term business relationships with them.

Another great resource is ebooks. There are many ebooks written on different topics regarding marketing. You can usually find an ebook on a topic you are interested in becoming proficient in. Many marketers also find and you can usually locate an ebook that will show you the basic strategies of marketing that will not only help you grow your business, but give you a great return on your investment. If you are looking for marketing resources, definitely check out marketing forums and ebooks.

If you are looking for ideas to market your small enterprise or ecommerce business, here are some tried and tested ways to sell your products:

Google Adwords

Google Adwords is probably the best known way to sell products online for small businesses. The Google Adwords system allows you to create small text ads, pay a specified amount for each visitor to land on your site and to create a monthly or daily budget and monthly budget that fits your bankroll. Google Adwords has been proven to be most effective and a great way to draw traffic in minutes to your site.

Article Distribution

If you have discovered a niche topic, write a few articles on the category your product or service caters to. You can then add your URL link to the bottom of the article along with your author information and distribute these articles among many article distribution sites. Other web developers download from these sites and your site grows in page rank due to the many one way back links from these articles.

Banner Ad Swap

Banner Ad's are another great way to draw huge traffic to your site. You yourself can create a banner ad for less than $20 and join a banner swap site. Your ads will be show on other sites as you allow other ads on your site. This technique is usually very effective at bringing in satisfactory traffic for your site.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Does Keyword Density Still Matter for SEO

If you read back through older information on search engine optimization (SEO), such as information from 4-5 years ago, you will likely notice that keyword density played a crucial role in how a page ranked in the search engines. In case you are unfamiliar with the term, "keyword density" refers to the ratio of your target keywords to the rest of the words on a webpage. For example, a keyword density of 5% meant that 5% of all the words on a given page were your target keywords for that page.

Webmasters and SEO's (myself included) would spend a great deal of time analyzing pages trying to determine the perfect keyword density that would send our pages to the top of the search engines. Each engine had their "sweet spot" when it came to keyword density. If you could find that sweet spot, you were golden.

Unfortunately, those days are gone. So much of a pages ranking today is determined by FAR more than keyword density. Factors such as link popularity, link reputation, LSI (latent semantic indexing), supporting phrases, etc. all player a role in one way or another and to one extent or another in the ranking of a page. There are so many other elements in play that it is not uncommon for pages to rank quite high for a term that is not even on the page given the right mix of other factors.

So, does this mean keyword density is dead? Well, to some extent yes. Keyword density still plays a part in how a page ranks, it is simply that it is nowhere near as important a part as it was 4-5 years ago. In other words, if all other things are equal, the page that has the keyword on it, will outrank a page that doesn't, but just because a page has a high keyword density does not mean it is going to rank well in the engines.

When designing pages with seo in mind today, I generally shoot for a keyword density anywhere from 3-15%. The density will generally depend on the amount of text on a page. I don't' sweat it. I want the page to read naturally. I also make an effort to include other "supporting" phrases in the page such as synonyms and other words or phrases you would expect to find on a page with the keyword I am targeting. This is becoming more and more important, but I'll cover that more in another article.

See you at the top!

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Secret To A Thriving Business On a Shoestring

When you're first venturing out into your own business online, you're going to fall into one of two categories, either you have a budget for advertising and product development or you do not.

If you have a budget, you invest in online tools and learn how to develop your own product, you advertise and are hopefully making money in a short period of time. This is the advantage you have of starting out with a budget.

If on the other hand you are starting your online career on a shoestring, it may feel like you're chasing your tail before you really start to see any kind of profit. For the rest of this article I'll show you exactly how to get started online with nothing more than a shoestring budget and how to see a profit from it.

Something to remember when starting out on a shoestring is that you cannot draw any earnings for personal use. Any earnings should be reinvested immediately back into your business.

I'll illustrate a series of steps to take that involve free advertising, free products and tools, and free methods of traffic generation. Online you have to remember that although they don't cost any money, they will cost time, so when first starting out you will have to be willing to spend a considerable amount of time online at first. Once you begin to earn money as result of the time you're investing, you need to reinvest the money into paid versions of the services you use. If you don't, you will burn yourself on the sheer amount of time you've dedicated and you will never really get ahead.

Before you get started, the first thing you need to do is determine what kind of an online business you want to create. Although your long term goal should be to create your own online products, when you're first starting out I recommend you promote someone else's product by becoming an affiliate. This gives you experience in the field you eventually wish to venture into and gives you an advantage when creating and marketing your own products.

The next step is to create a web site. There are many free web site hosting companies that include free built-in site builder software. Perform a quick search for the phrase "free web hosting" into a search engine and you will have lots of choices. The only downside to the free hosting is not only will you have limited space but the site will also have advertising on it to support the company, this is the trade off for starting on a shoestring. However because you're starting out you should not need a lot of space and once you start making some money you can afford to upgrade to the paid version.

The next step is to get an auto responder in order to keep in touch with your client list. There are several free versions of paid auto responder services available. Just do a search for "free auto responder" and again you should have some choices to start out with. Like with the free hosting they will be limited and have advertising, but again, once you are making money, you can upgrade.

Once the web site and auto responder service are set up, you need to drive traffic to your site. Expect to spend most of your time doing this. The best form of free marketing is article writing and submission.

With article writing and submission, you create articles that are related to the product you are selling or promoting, and then submit them to the various article directories. With anything in life, you will get out what you put into it. The key success to building a thriving, flourishing business with articles is to write good quality material and to write everyday. Don't worry, the more you do this, the better you get at it. The potential traffic from articles is mind boggling. The beauty with articles is that they can go viral indefinitely still continuing to generate sales and exposure for years to come. Their potential is almost exponential, remembering that you garner traffic not only from the new articles you write and release but from previous articles, their impact is like a ripple effect, one article receiving an ever increasing amount of traffic over time.

So get to it and start writing those articles and like anything in life, you get good at what you practice.

Here's to your article writing and online business success.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who Loves Money Review & Breakdown

There is a new internet marketing guide coming out on May 1st, and since I am on that special list that is out there I have been given an advance copy to review. I have followed everything in the guide and I now have the knowledge to break this down for you so that you know what it is all about ahead of time.

The greatest part of this new guide is that it is written by true professionals that have learned to make a lot of money with internet marketing online. This is the entire reason for my, who loves money review. They create great products and provide wonderful support for thousands of internet marketers everyday.

What is necessary to make a good internet marketing guide? You need three major things: A unique approach, Proof that your strategies work and can work for others, and you need more than anything support from the owners.

The first thing, a unique approach, is exactly what is sounds like. The guide has to have a new way to look at things or a new approach to old methods that work. This is important or you should never even think about purchasing the guide.

The second thing, proof that your strategies work and can work for others, is very important. If the guide will show you how to use certain methods that are not outdated and work, then you have a winner, especially if the author can relate these methods to you and make you money.

The last thing, the support of the author or owner, is the absolute most important thing you need. Even if this cost a little extra, it is incredibly necessary. This is where you will get a chance to ask questions and get answers quick enough to allow you to implement the strategies and make money.

These three things are very important to a new internet marketing guide or to an old guide. My who loves money review has came to the conclusion that you can get all the options you need from this product and you can make money.

Who Loves Money? Online, Internet Marketing

Are you scrambling around looking for that perfect plan that will lead you to the internet marketing wealth that you are after? Who loves money? I know I love money and I hope you love money also because I am about to explain why you should love money and how to use internet marketing to get more love.

First, you have to understand that internet marketing is only hard when you make it hard. There are many ways to make money online with internet marketing and there are many easy ways to get confused and lose a lot of money too.

Second, realize that you have to put your time in or you will not reach any of your goals. This does not mean that you have to work tons of hours, but you have to know how to use your time wisely. If you only have 5 hours a week, then you need to know how to use that 5 hours to do as much as you possibly can.

So let us start with how you are going to avoid losing money and how you are going to make money. There are a lot of different programs out there that you can choose from and some of them are good, some are garbage, and some are great.

So which programs are great since that is what we are after? The best programs have the following resources available to you:

Resource #1 – A good forum with plenty of successful internet marketers

This is a very important resource because a good forum is full of incredible information and it gives you a network of people to rely on when you have a question to ask.

Resource #2 – Lots of training material

If the program does not offer you a ton, and I mean a ton of training material, then it is not worth it. You want the most for your money and the more eBooks and courses you can get the better.

Resource #3 – The owners better be in that forum and better give you options to contact them directly

If the owner or owners don't give you access to contact them directly and in the forum, then you want no part of that program. This is the most important resource.

So you need to find a program with all three resources and start getting all the information you can find. This will give you everything you need in order to get closer to the goals you are trying to achieve. There are very few programs that will help you along the way and most of them just want your money so be careful what you choose. Who Loves Money? I do and I know if you made it this far you do too.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Search Engine Optimization - 4 Fundamental Rules for Quality SEO

As you go about developing a comprehensive marketing plan for your Net based venture you will want to take a close look at how search engine optimization or SEO can be helpful to you and your business. With this in mind, you will want to understand the 4 basic rules for developing quality search engine optimization.

Keep Keyword at the Beginning of the Title

When it comes to search engine optimization, one rule that you will want to keep in mind in developing quality SEO practices is keeping the keyword itself as close to the beginning of the title as possible. This practice will be better received by search engines and will help to boost the ranking of a particular website or webpage.

Watch Keyword Density

When it comes to quality search engine optimization, more is not necessarily better. You will want to pay close attention to the density of keyword placement on a particular webpage, on a particular website. Generally, an appropriate keyword density is somewhere in the range of between three to seven percent.

Keyword or Keywords in the Domain Name

When it comes to quality search engine optimization or SEO, having the keyword or keyword phrase in the domain name is golden. In layperson's terms, you acquire more "points" from a search engine if you have the keyword or keyword phrase included within the domain name itself.

Keyword Phrase Order

Finally, when it comes to quality search engine optimization, pay attention to how you think a person might spell out a particular search. Develop a keyword phrase that likely will be in the order in which a person might spell out a query with a search engine

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Make Money on eBay - Make Buying From You A Pleasure

Do you want to make money on eBay? If so, then focus on your customers. eBay buyers seek sellers that do everything possible to make the whole buying experience simple, easy and a pleasure for them. They seek buyers with a record of success.

There are several basic steps that every seller who wants to make money on eBay should take. The most important of those steps is to communicate with prospective buyers. The ultimate buyers of your items especially look for good communication.

If prospective buyers ask questions, respond honestly and accurately. Those responses should be made quickly as well. Prospective buyers will move on to other auctions or even BUY IT NOW for similar products if your responses are too slow. Losing prospective buyers will not move sellers closer to the goal to make money on eBay.

Buyers of your items expect almost instant delivery of items that they purchase. Obviously instant delivery cannot happen. Therefore it is important that you keep buyers informed at every step throughout the pulling, packing and shipping process. This is one of the keys to maintaining a positive feedback record which will bring you closer to your goal to make money on eBay.

If you want to make money on eBay be sure that you respond quickly to all buyer inquiries and concerns. Ship as quickly as possible after payment is received.

Make buying from you a true pleasure for all who consider your items. Always communicate with prospective buyers and the actual buyers of your items. Make money on eBay by treated all who consider your products exactly as you would like to be treated.

To your eBay success!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Doers And Dreamers Make Money From The Ground Up

The best way i myself know how to make cash online is drop shipping and affiliate marketing. When i just started i use to try to make money online from surveys and paid to read emails. This avenues can be good if you want to make maybe $50 dollars a month. But if you want to make hundreds and thousands of dollars a month the only way I know to do this from the ground up is drop shipping affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing works like this I find a company online with a affiliate program and I promote there goods or services online. It sounds easy but really it's a bit hard if you don't know what your doing. If tree falls and no ones there to hear it does it make a sound, No it doesnt well if you have a product or service and nobody knows about it can you make any money the answer is also no. thats the main reason for affiliates to get the word out about a product or service, the way i see it affiliate marketing is almost like being online sales people, But the most skillfully trained are the ones that reap the biggest rewards. I now know myself how people are able to make fortunes online. most gurus will tell you they started off from using affiliate marketing i honestly see how this is true now.

I would really like to get the word out about affiliate marketing it really is a good way to make money online. In my personal view it's the best way to make money online. I hear alot of people think that it is getting to competitive. I disagree I think it's just some people are greedy and I think others are lazy. When your doing any form of business you have to love what you do. Those that love their jobs usually live happier lives you have to love working from home for to do affiliate marketing. If you think to yourself working at home is my dream job and you sit there thinking about it without taking action that's all it will ever be your dream job. Refer to the Grass Hopper and the Ant Story. There are sayers and there are doers. For your sake I hope whom ever reads this is a doer. The world love it's dreamers but the world needs doers. Doers inspire people doers motivate the unmotivated doers show that all things are possible. If you want to work from home look into affiliate marketing.

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read my article best wishes in all that you do.