Afgo money making tips

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Making Money Without A Website - Part I

There are some ways of making money online without a web site. On this, there will be a series of articles over the coming days. One easy method is by promoting affiliate products through articles. This article is about article writing.

One can join various affiliate programs (details in my link at the bottom) directly through their individual websites or through affiliate directories. A few of the directories are mentioned in the link provided at the end of this article. One can join any of these free.

After joining, one can select any number of good quality products by going to their market place and obtaining links. Remember, affiliates earn commission when any of their promoted products gets sold. After selecting products, affiliates will write articles or reviews about these products. It is very important that affiliates select only high quality products that are very useful.

One should be cautious about some affiliate platforms as they have a policy of penalizing members after 3 months if no sales are generated. In addition, their accounts are made dormant.

At the end of articles, the author will provide a link to the affiliate product page. Interested readers who want to find more will click on the link and go to the sales page. If they like, they may purchase the product.

It is not one or two articles that a marketer will have to write for making a presence and a sale. In order to succeed, one will have to write hundreds of articles over time and float on the internet through various directories. One can publish one's articles through more important directories free of cost. I have listed some good listing directories in my the linked page. Please follow the link at the end of this article.

In fact, there are hundreds of other article directories to which one can submit articles. It is not possible to submit articles manually to all of these directories. There is software available in the market which can do the job of submitting articles to hundreds of directories automatically.

An important source (link) is mentioned towards the end of this article which I think will be quite useful for this task. With the help of this software, one can submit an article to dozens of article directories with one click.

Imagine when these articles are all over the internet, there is a possibility of sales. The beauty is that you do not need a website for making this to happen.

For reading all the articles together, please follow this link

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