Afgo money making tips

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Advanced Tips for Web Site Promotion

Chances are you already have a website if you're reading this article. If so, congratulations! Now you need some advanced techniques for lucrative website promotion.

Check Up on Advertising Dollars

Lucrative website promotion can cost a little money, but in order to keep it lucrative you should make sure the money is spent wisely. Get rid of campaigns that aren't working and try new ones. Keep charts of the ones that work best as you go so you don't have to play catch-up games later.

Stay Relevant

Relevance is important to search engine rankings, so make sure you feed their spiders well. Also be sure to use keywords and phrases at the rate of about 2-3%. Also make sure your backlins are from relevant and related sites.

Use Other Technologies

There are ways to incorporate RSS, podcasting, and press releases for lucrative website promotion. First, study the technology involved in these media and then use them.

Check Your Site Frequently

Go through it front to back once a week to make sure all the links and graphics are working properly, especially if you have product photos up with options for larger views. While you're there, glance at your content to make sure it's all up to date and you don't have any old products listed that you no longer carry.

Check up on Advertising Dollars, Stay Relevant, Use Other Technologies, Check your Site Frequently, are some things you can do to promote your web site. Good Luck!



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