Afgo money making tips

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Opportunity Seeker v The Business Owner - Who Wins?

I was reading my local paper recently; as usual anything mentioned about online money making are scams, hacking etc. Not that I'm too surprised, and I don't mind the extra education as well.

What I'm surprised is about that a handful of people literally gave money (Over $600,000) to 'Nigerian 419' scammers. Obviously these people bought into an opportunity. And it was a fraudulent one at that. You'd think people with that much money would be smarter, but that's a story for another day.

Too many people buy into opportunities, rather than building businesses. Opportunities (legitimate ones) can provide a decent cash boost once in a while, but they are fleeting. It's pocket your cash (if any) and then you're done. You'll have to look out for the next opportunity.

Yet people like the idea of opportunities. Because they promise quick rewards with little effort.

That's why you'll find many people buying the lottery. That's why the bookmakers are rich. Even I am guilty of a little bet here and there.

Unfortunately taking the same mindset online doesn't guarantee any long-term results.

Here's the secret: you have to spend time and effort building a business, rather than chasing a money-making opportunity. A business may make less money at first, but eventually you'll have something you can make money from. That's when quick rewards do come with little effort, because the foundation is strong.

Airplanes have been brought down by details as small as 1mm metal chips. If your whole foundation is shaky, the airplane would not even fly...

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